I’m Jenn Savage

Bodyworker, educator, and aspiring cult leader. I never made it past the “weird horse girl” phase, so I figured out how to turn it into a career. I am annoyingly passionate about horses, my clients, and change within the industry. I ventured into bodywork because I wanted to help the horses we all love so much. I'm a firm believer that when you know better, you do better; so I'm always looking for ways to bring knowledge and understanding to my Savage Equestrians.

My goal with Savage Equine Services is to help as many horses as I can, and empower as many equestrians as I can.

For the last 3 years, my mission has been to help educate and empower the Savage Equestrian community - a group of horse owners who want what’s best for their horses above all else. It is SO important to me that we give back as much as we can to our equine athletes, especially when we ask big jobs of them. So, I’m on a mission to empower you with knowledge and resources to help prehab your horse while training like a Savage.

In reality, I’m just here to start a cult of equestrians who shamelessly listen to their horses and always strive to do what’s best for them. I hope you’ll join me.

What it’s like to work with me…

My Approach

I take a holistic approach to bodywork - I focus on the entire horse, the big picture, and all the small parts within. I want to know everything about my clients’ horses, from their current performance to their behavior with the farrier. I’m nosey as hell, and for good reason - all the little things add up!


I communicate a ridiculous amount with my clients. Whether it’s during sessions or outside of them. Fill me in on the horse show, or your trainer’s report card for your horse that week. It all matters, and I want to cheer you on as well as help you find solutions when problems arise. We’re a team.


I’m always looking to learn and seeking answers. Whether it’s about an issue a client is having, or just something I want to research that might benefit my community. I am constantly seeking knowledge so that I can be better for me, the equine athletes I serve, and my Savage Equestrian community.

Everything I do, I do for the benefit of our horses