Intro Blog Post

So, I figured it was about time to start a blog for you guys… I wanted to create a space where I can go into more detail about the important topics that I cover on social media. While IG is great, I can only get so detailed in doomscroll feeds. So, for those who want more information, here’s where it’ll be!

Now, let’s talk about what you’ll find here going forward…

So far, I’m planning to start having blog posts in my link page on my social media bios so they’re easily accessible. When I post on a topic that needs a more in-depth analysis or explanation (i.e. anatomy posts, discipline specific posts, tack scrutiny, etc.) I will post a blog entry going into more detail, potentially with more images, so that those who want more information from me have a place to find it!

If you have any specific blog post requests or ideas, please tap the link below and let me know! I look forward to getting this started for you.

All the love in my little black heart,

Jenn savage


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